Contact Us
- Box Office and General Information
- 847-634-0200
- Lincolnshire Marriott Resort (hotel and restaurant info)
- 847-634-0100
- Group Sales: Mainstage
- 847-634-0200
- Group Sales: Children’s Theatre
- 847-634-0200
- Costume & Prop Rentals
- 847-465-1307
- Costume Shop
- 847-465-0245
- Audition Info (Kavin Moore)
- 847-465-1251
- Media and Press Inquiries (The Heron Agency)
- 773-969-5200
- Lost & Found
- 847-634-0100 (ext. 6257)
- Production Manager (Meg Love)
- 847-465-0476
- Producer
Marriott Theatre
10 Marriott Drive
Lincolnshire, IL 60069
Marriott Theatre is located at Lincolnshire Marriott Resort on 170 beautifully landscaped acres off Route 21 (Milwaukee Ave.) just south of Route 22 (Half Day Road).
The Resort is only 10 minutes west of the Tri-State Expressway (I-294).
It is recommended patrons arrive approximately 30 minutes prior to show time to allow ample time for parking.
Rehearsal Warehouse
1342 Barclay Blvd.
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
Our Rehearsal Warehouse and Costume Shop is just two miles south of the theatre (off of Milwaukee Ave).
Media and Press Inquiries
The Heron Agency: (773) 969-5200